Notable Quotable


“I don’t buy gold, I own it. I don’t buy gold at $1,100 because I think it’s going to go to $1,200. I buy it for what it does, not what the price is, the price is the last consideration for me. I think the way the picture has been developing over the last eight years, it’s like when you take a polaroid, you take a picture and you sit there and you watch this thing and it slowly comes into focus, and that’s what it’s been like for me watching gold, we’re watching this picture slowly develop. We’re getting to the point where people are going to be able to see the picture, and at that point gold is the answer. It’s not just an asset anymore. It’s the answer to a lot of people’s questions. . .The picture is becoming clearer, and everything the central banks are doing is bringing that day forward a little bit.”

Grant Williams
Vulpes Investment Management
June 2016


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