Worst-performing precious metal silver may have seen bottom

Yahoo Finance-Bloomberg/Ranjeetha Pakiam/8-9-2022

“The white metal has lost about 11%, weighed down by the stronger US dollar, rising interest rates and slowing growth. But prices could turn higher from later this year as the electronics and photovoltaics sectors support industrial consumption, while retail and jewelry demand look strong, James Steel, chief precious metals analyst at HSBC Securities USA Inc., said in a note early this month.”

USAGOLD note: Historically, silver is more volatile than gold on both the upside and downside. The recovery Steel mentions may have already begun. From the pre-Fed meeting bottom, silver has already risen 10.2% versus gold’s 4.6%. The S&P 500 over the same period is up 5.1%.

The post Today’s top gold news & opinion first appeared on Today’s top gold news and opinion.

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